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Since I visit a lot of places when I am researching for this blog, staying up-to-date, and feeding my curiosity, I thought it would be a good idea to share some of those resources with you so that you could maybe find another place on this enormous internet to make your life a little more interesting and educational.

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While us at GSC love to bring you news on all the exciting things going on in the field of science, our aim as a company is to make science learning more fun and beneficial for both students and teachers alike. That is why we also take a deep interest in the field of education. Through my research into education’s ongoing evolution, I have written about phenomenon-based learning, adding “art” to the classic STEM framework, and how the engineering design process can be integrated into science education. For this week’s blog, I want to write about two new (to me)...

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There is so much that we don’t know about the phenomenon of life. As someone who likes to imagine what might be out there in the stars, it’s easy for me to get wrapped up in dreams of alien life or other inspiring sci-fi ideas. More than a couple of my blogs in the past have included stories that sparked hope for finding alien life (read "Lake on Mars and Ancient Worms," "Exciting Advances in Biology, and Thoughts on Futurism," and "NASA's Latest Mars Discoveries and Technology's Role in the Lives of Children"). All this dreaming sometimes makes me overlook...

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And we’re back! The end of the year was quite a busy time for me, and writing for this blog had to be pushed to the back burner. But the year is new and I’m ready to jump back into the blogging waters. For our first post back, I wanted to write about the crazy stories in science that caught my eye in the last three months (don’t think I stopped paying attention!). So, without taking up any more of you time, let’s see what you might have missed in the back-quarter of 2018 so that you’re all caught up...

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The Nobel Prize  has been around since 1895 when Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel established it in his will. Prizes have been awarded annually since 1901 in the fields of chemistry, physics, physiology and medicine, literature, and peace. Since 1968, the central bank of Sweden has awarded the “Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel,” which, despite being absent from the will of Alfred Nobel, is still commonly referred to as the Nobel Prize in Economics and is announced alongside the other awards. Now that our little history lesson is over, it is time to get to...

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