Instruction Sheets
If you're in need of guidance on how to make the most of your recent purchase, look no further. Below you'll find an instruction sheet tailored to help you with experiments using your new product.
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- 4-31001 Conductivity of Solutions Demonstration
- 501 Electrolysis Apparatus
- CNDTEST 10-Level Conductivity Indicator
- 4-1822 & 4-1826 Student Voltaic Cell
- 1314 Two Potato Clock
- 1863 & 1864 Molecular Model Kit
- 48111 Brownlee Electrolysis Apparatus
- 48222 Brownlee Classic without Jar
- 57001-SET Electrolysis Apparatus
- 57002-SET Electrolysis Apparatus with Acid Resistant Panel
Earth Science
- 4-1000 Anemometer
- 4-30101 Cloud Formation Apparatus
- CLINOMETER Clinometer
- GLBWO Whiteboard Globe
- PSYCHRKT Psychrometer Kit
- TURBTUB Turbidity Tube
- WG-1 Weather Globe Barometer
- WNDVN01 Wind Vane with Metal Base
Electricity and Magnetism
- 1200-14 Lamp Board with Buss Bars
- 1858 DC Motor Kit
- 4-14401 Primary & Secondary Coil
- 4-18470 Mini Motor Model
- 4-5052 Dissectible Electromagnet
- 4-50113 Electroscope Metal Case
- 4-50140 Electroscope with Metal Case and Round Viewing Window
- 4-50150 Electroscope Flask
- 4-509 Wimshurst Machine Economy
- 505-3 Electromagnet
- 510 Leyden Jar
- 511 Van de Graaff Generator
- ELSTCH-01 Electrostatic Charge Kit
- ELECDGH-CK Electra Dough Kit
- ELECDGH-IK Electra Dough Kit
- ELECTROMAG Electromagnet Kit
- ELEFLDLN Field Lines and Equipotential Lines Kit
- HEMCOIL Helmholtz Coil
- LNZLW Lenz Law Demonstration
- MAGFLD Magnetic Lines of Force Demonstration
- PWR-AC-DC-12 AC/DC Variable Power Supply 2V to 12V
- RESKT Law of Resistance Kit
- TRSFRKT Transformer Kit
Force and Motion
- 1204 Loop the Loop Demonstration
- 1379 Newton's Cradle
- 1380-NCS Collision Ball Apparatus
- 14006 Gyroscope
- 1476 Second Law of Motion Demonstration
- 1811 Longitudinal Wave Generator
- 4-14501 New York Balance Demonstration
- 4-14600 Deluxe New York Balance with Support Stand
- 4-19701 Ball and Card Inertia Apparatus
- 4-60501 Dynamics Carts
- 4-62412 2-D Collision
- 4-7801 Coin & Feather Apparatus
- 4-79801 Impact Car
- 4-80810 Hooke's Law
- 4-80812 Hooke's Law
- ACCLOP Loop-the-Loop Apparatus
- ACCMT Accelerated Motion Kit
- ACT01 Acceleration Trolley
- BLCR01 Ballistics Car
- INCLPLN Inclined Plane
- INRTBL Inertia Balance
- IPFRIC-811 Incline Plane Friction Set
- MAGLINE-01 Gauss Magnetic Accelerator
- MECHKT Mechanics Kit
- PROLCH Projectile Marble Launcher
- PRLCH-MINI Mini Projectile Launcher
- RDSET Ring and Plate Set
- SLINKY2 Helix Slinky
- SLINKYKT Wave Demonstration Set – Snaky Spring, Helix Slinky, and String
- SNAKY01 Snaky Spring
- SPRING5 Linked Spring Series
- STRLG-ENG Sterling Engine
- TKTMR Ticker Tape Timer
- TMRSOL Intelligent Timer with Support for Photogates and Solenoids
- VBINR-2 Variable Inertia Set
- VFWAVGEN Variable Frequency Wave Generator
- VIBGEN Vibration Generator
- WVDEM02 Pendulum Wave Demonstration
- WNDTNL Wind Tunnel
- WVGENKIT Standing Wave Demonstration Kit
- WVGEN-DLX Mechanical Wave Kit Deluxe
- 4002 Distillation Apparatus, Student Set
- 4005-SET Distillation Apparatus Student Set with Ground Glass Joints
- 4007-SET Distillation Apparatus with Graham Condenser & Ground Glass Joints
- 42002 Dual-Wick Alcohol Burner
- 4400 Filtering Flask Kit
- BTN-01 Butane Burner
- BTN-PL-02 Butane Hot Plate
- PWR-AC-DC-12 Power Supply with Digital Display
- SOXHLET3 Soxhlet Distillation Apparatus
Light and Sound
- 1401 Neon Wand
- 1404-9 Color Filter Set
- 1865-1 Spectroscope
- 4-18061 Vertical Resonance Tube Apparatus
- 4-30901 Compound Bar
- 4-66000 Optical Bench
- 904 Quincke's Interference Tube
- 90920 Neutralization Lens Set
- CLRWHL Color Wheel
- LEDARAY-01 LED Array
- LSOPT7 Laser Optics Kit
- OPTBN-F-6 Optical Bench with LED F
- RESON01 Deluxe Resonance Apparatus
- SCRD-01 Semi-Circular Refraction Tank
Prepared Microscope Slides
- Coming Soon
Properties of Matter
- 303 Convection of Liquids Glass Square
- ARCH-KT Archimedes Principle Kit
- 303-1 Convection Box
- 305-1 Cartesian Diver Apparatus
- 791 Harbottle Pressure Globe
- 1206 Linear Expansion Apparatus
- 1501-9 Osmosis Apparatus with Jar and Support
- 2001 Tantalus Cup
- 2201 Venturi Tube
- 14012 Boyle's Law
- 14013 Gas Law Deluxe with Pressure and Temperature Gauge
- 4-15002 Overflow Can with Pour Spouts
- 4-19801 Ball and Ring Apparatus
- 4-2061 & 4-2062 Vacuum Pump
- Supplemental video for 4-2061 Vacuum Pump
- 4-30421 Electric Calorimeter
- 4-31201 Conductometer
- 4-64161 Gas Law Apparatus with Syringe
- BOYLAW-DLX Deluxe Boyles Law Apparatus
- CHRLW01 Charles's Law Apparatus, Deluxe
- DIVBL Diving Bell Demonstration
- DNRDST-05 Density Rod Set - Five Equal-Mass Rods of Different Materials
- DNRDST-12 Density Rod Set - Twelve Rods of Different Materials
- DNRDST-AL Density Rod Set - Twelve Aluminum Rods
- DNRDST-MTL Density Rod Set - Five Equal-Mass Metal Rods
- HEATRAD02 Heat Radiation Apparatus
- HEATRAN01 Heat Transfer Apparatus
- HSBL-01 Happy and Sad Balls
- ICE-MELT Ice Melt Demonstration
- MLTPT01 Melting Point Apparatus
- THERM-GEN Thermal Generator