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Helmholtz Coil a Physical Science Demonstration

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  • $ 119.95

A Helmholtz coil is a device consisting of two identical circular coils, spaced apart by a distance equal to their radius, and carrying an equal electric current in the same direction. This configuration creates a nearly uniform magnetic field in the central region between the coils.
This Helmholtz coil apparatus consists of two 5 inch solenoids, each made of 44 turns of enameled copper around a plastic bobbin. There are two 4mm induction safety sockets for each solenoid to receive a maximum current of 7A from an external power source (sold separately). Also included with this set are a 26cm scale to measure the distance between the solenoids on their rails and a clamp to hold a magnetic field sensor or a compass (sold separately).Magnetic field calibration: Used to generate a known and controlled magnetic field for calibrating instruments. Particle physics experiments: Helps in controlling charged particle motion. Helmholtz Coil (INS_QR) WARNING PROP65 NICKEL LEAD Propr 65 warning label for lead.

Our products are not toys. Use in a laboratory or educational setting only. Not for children 13 and under.